Sleep descends like snowfall, thy silken skin sings to me
Amid the brash cacophony, you smile, and set me free.
I dream of you, my kindred sprite, you phantom wisp of air
You heal my pain, you sooth my soul, making all things fair.
Your shimmering gown of silver white a lamp shade filled with light,
Your face bejeweled with solar glow explodes and chases out the night.
Your hair, like waterfalls of gold, alive with fervent fire,
Makes all around a source of warmth, of fragrance. and desire.
Your fingers, white and slim and long, pierce the engulfing night
So that my arms, both weightless, can finally enfold you in my might.
You sing, and echoes fill the air, in deep harmonic blend
To warm the breeze that fills your gown and flickering candles bend.
A puff of fragrance fills the air, from golden locks expand,
My head, intoxication led, takes flight, ne’er to land.
And when my vision goes away, your form does vaporize,
I slide to rest, as on your breast, my words extemporize.
I still can see your shining face, as if it yet were here,
I spy you with internal eye your grace, your beauty, clear.